Monday, November 2, 2009


We had a very nice Halloween. During the week we did little projects like making puppets and learning Halloween songs. Friday was the school parade and trick-or-treating on the Greenbelt sponsored by the Young Single Adults in the area. Saturday our ward had a trunk-or-treat. The kids weren't too big into the candy, believe it or not. They enjoyed dressing up the most. Ethan had 2 costume changes (Jedi and football player) and Ainsley 3 (cat, dinosaur, and fat pumpkin...aka..oompa loompa look a like). Emma was faithful to her cleopatra garb for all events. We also spent time winterizing the house and raking leaves. All in all it was a wonderful weekend.


  1. Okay, so I thought I posted, but it didn't seem to come through. Cute costumes. It looks like you guys had fun. I miss you guys. Wish we lived closer. Oh well. At least I can follow your blog.

  2. Blogger didn't show an update for your blog until just now, not that I've been on here much. Anyway, I love the costumes. I bet all the honeys had a great time. I can't believe we're already into the Christmas season. Didn't we just trick-or-treat yesterday?
