Sunday, September 18, 2011
A quick glance
It has been forever since I last posted, and I really don't have a lot of time now, either, but I want you all to know we are alive and well. We spent all summer doing as many fun things as possible. We even went camping more than once this year. Now, that school is in session, we are still adjusting to schedules and trying to fit fun in. Don is particularly busy with officiating, but we are planning a little trip soon and hopefully it will happen. It seems either his calling or mine always seems to get in the way of trips that last more than one day. Emma and Ethan started piano with a new teacher and doing awesome. It is nice to have music in the house once again even if we have to travel beyond cross town to have it happen. Emma is not doing dance this year and I am still looking for something to involve her in besides reading. At this pace she will have read the entire library by the end of the year. Ainsley is enjoying kindergarten and would like to stay the whole day, but Linay is grateful she doesn't stay that long and enjoys meeting big sis at the bus each day. Soon she will have a little brother to bug and give her attention to. One day I'll take the time to give more of a detailed update. Til then, know we are alive and well and still going.
Sunday, May 15, 2011
After trying to figure out how to fix Ethan's slideshow, I think I finally did it. I was hoping to change the pictures out an update, but as I lost my most recent pictures and time has been short, it will have to wait. Our latest update involves Ethan playing Cal Ripken baseball, Emma's DARE graduation, and her buckle fracture in her wrist. That makes it so Linay is the last to not have had a broken/bent bone. Hopefully she is too close to the ground that she will be least for awhile.
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
What? How?
I was looking at the blog and noticed a baseball picture included in the slide show of Ethan on the right. That is not one of my pictures. Then as I watched other random pictures have jumped in there. I am not sure what is going on or how as none of these are in my albums anywhere. Also, it is only on Ethan's. Weird. I will probably pull the slide shows in a day or two.
Monday, May 9, 2011
A sad tale
I have been meaning to post more pictures of our life and update everyone, so this morning I sat down and began to transfer pictures from camera to computer. When the transfer was complete, something happened to the picture software and I couldn't access anything. Also, the pictures were deleted from the camera during transfer so no backup and I can't redo it. So, my apologies, but any update will be delayed as I try to re-create some of the pictures...some unfortunately can't be recreated (Emma's dance recital). So, when you see pictures of Linay you can just pretend they were from her birthday...even if they are a week later. And Ethan's pictures will be of his 4th or 5th game, not the first one like originally planned. It is just one of those things you just laugh and move on cause there is nothing else to do.
Friday, April 8, 2011
I know we live in Idaho, and I am used to crazy weather. I must admit the snow this morning was beautiful and this afternoon most of it is already gone. I am getting ready to plant grass and finish cleaning up the leaves. I know Ainsley and Linay look forward to being outside as well.
Monday, March 14, 2011
So, tag we are it. This morning Don went out to the garage to go to work and noticed it was halfway open. Then he noticed that both vehicles had been "rifled through" and they had attempted to force open the glove box on the van which has been locked to keep my kiddos out of it. Normally we keep the van locked, but I guess Don forgot after his evening meeting. Nothing was taken that we can tell either from the cars or the garage. I guess they didn't want the lone polly pocket doll sitting on the seat. Good thing we don't have much of value.
Monday, March 7, 2011
End of February randomness
The end of February saw lots of craziness...2 birthdays, a dance performance, swimming, basketball, and more. I was able to attend 2 meetings with Sis. Julie B. Beck, Relief Society General President, on Feb 26th, thanks to Ethan being flexible with birthday plans. To say it was amazing is an understatement. We were with about 10,000 sisters in the new BYU - Center and then later with about 300 or so in the Hart Auditorium for leadership training. Emma was able to do a mini-performance of one of her dances at an assisted living center. She also joined the polar swim team. Ainsley began swim lessons again. Ethan finished up basketball, received more awards for scouting and began Webelos. Linay is talking up a storm with pathetic, but adorable phrases...."I know, I'm sorry" "I need a yummy" "Where did my binkie go?"
With a few days off of school coming this month of March, we should have more craziness to report. We already celebrated Dr. Seuss' birthday and are planning on parties for Barbie's birthday (Mar 9th) and of course, St. Patrick's Day. And who could forget the glorious spring break at the end of the month? A trip just may be in order.....Don, Emma, and Ainsley have already made 2 trips to MT (one in Jan,and one in Feb), but due to Ethan's basketball schedule, Ethan, Linay, and I stayed behind. I am a little stir crazy and Linay is just plain crazy so who knows what will happen... I guess it depends on gas prices and timing. Til then, enjoy the randomness.
With a few days off of school coming this month of March, we should have more craziness to report. We already celebrated Dr. Seuss' birthday and are planning on parties for Barbie's birthday (Mar 9th) and of course, St. Patrick's Day. And who could forget the glorious spring break at the end of the month? A trip just may be in order.....Don, Emma, and Ainsley have already made 2 trips to MT (one in Jan,and one in Feb), but due to Ethan's basketball schedule, Ethan, Linay, and I stayed behind. I am a little stir crazy and Linay is just plain crazy so who knows what will happen... I guess it depends on gas prices and timing. Til then, enjoy the randomness.
Sunday, February 13, 2011
My goal for keeping more up to date isn't going to well. There is just to much to keep up to date on. But, I know I enjoy checking your blogs and my kiddos enjoy the cousins so I will try to return the favor, even if it is only every now and again. Yesterday we were able to go to a wildlife refuge close by and we even saw wildlife. I was overjoyed. Anyway, here are some random pictures. Enjoy.

Sunday, January 2, 2011
Happy New Year
No pictures just yet. I am still trying to catch up. The kids go back to school tomorrow unfortunately. I always have big plans that never come to fruition. We will just have to carry some of the fun over into this next year. We spent Christmas in Montana mostly with the Ostler side as this is the last Christmas with the ranch. Alan and Nathan and families will be moving to Wyoming this spring/summer. Jennie will stay and keep a few acres. We did manage a quick trip into Butte to drop off presents. Believe it or not, but my side of the family is more mobile or at least come to visit more often so, though it was disappointing in terms of my visit with my family, I was consoled with knowing I get to visit more in the future. Don is just out of luck.
We rang the new year in by ourselves watching movies. Linay didn't make it. Ainsley did, but was angry we didn't watch ice skating instead of the ball dropping. Emma was with her friend just a few houses away playing board games and barbies.
Now we are back to getting in our school routine. Maybe now I can remember to send the kids to piano.
We rang the new year in by ourselves watching movies. Linay didn't make it. Ainsley did, but was angry we didn't watch ice skating instead of the ball dropping. Emma was with her friend just a few houses away playing board games and barbies.
Now we are back to getting in our school routine. Maybe now I can remember to send the kids to piano.
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