Thursday, October 15, 2009


I still can't believe we are in October, half way through to be exact! Technically, I am still somewhere in April. Oh well! October it is. The last few weeks have been wild for our family. I have been really busy with church..2 funerals, RS broadcast, ward activity, visiting teaching conference, sewing school bags for the Humanitarian room......The kids finished up the latest round of swimming lessons. Ethan is close to getting his wolf in Cub Scouts and Emma has been taking piano lessons. Then things began to get really crazy. Everyone but me go sick. Linay and Ethan weren't officially sick, but when I hauled the rest in to the doctor, he put all but me on antibiotics. Well, now 10 days later, Ethan and Linay are breaking out and I think it is an allergic reaction to the antibiotics. I am waiting for the doctor to get back with me. I'm still not sure why he put everyone on penicilan, except Emma and Ainsley tonsils were huge and I think he thought they might have strep even when that test came back negative. Oh well, long story short, everyone was sick, we got medicine, everyone feels better but Ethan and Linay look funny.

1 comment:

  1. I know what you mean. I think we are in a time warp or something. I'm glad you guys are feeling better. Mom said you all had been sick. I don't know how you manage all the busyness with church and all the kids' activities. I can barely manage with my two that are at home all the time. Tell Emma to keep up the good work at the piano and someday she'll have to give us a concert. Wish Ainsley a happy birthday for us.
